Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

While I can't say this was a decision long in the works, I think it's a good one. So here goes. Friends and lovelies, today marks the tenth anniversary since I started this freelance writing. It will also be the last day I update it. It has been a blast to write on this blog every single day. It has forced me to stay creative, produce writing, and share my work with all of you. I have been able to experiment with new styles and concepts with my poems, and disciplining my ability to write in a short amount of time or with a limited number of words has been eye-opening, to say the last. It's also been exhausting at times to maintain this blog. When I started it in 2011, I was fresh out of college, working odd jobs, and still living at home while continuing a long distance relationship. Now I'm a self-published author, I'm married, I'm working a full time teaching job, and I'm planning on raising a family. I have written even more plays and short works (even th...