
Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

While I can't say this was a decision long in the works, I think it's a good one. So here goes. Friends and lovelies, today marks the tenth anniversary since I started this freelance writing. It will also be the last day I update it. It has been a blast to write on this blog every single day. It has forced me to stay creative, produce writing, and share my work with all of you. I have been able to experiment with new styles and concepts with my poems, and disciplining my ability to write in a short amount of time or with a limited number of words has been eye-opening, to say the last. It's also been exhausting at times to maintain this blog. When I started it in 2011, I was fresh out of college, working odd jobs, and still living at home while continuing a long distance relationship. Now I'm a self-published author, I'm married, I'm working a full time teaching job, and I'm planning on raising a family. I have written even more plays and short works (even th...

Today's Ten Word Tale: My Exit

My Exit by Belinda Roddie It's been fun, y'all. But I'm done with this blog.

Tonight's Poet Corner: Percussive Denouement

Percussive Denouement by Belinda Roddie Almost exactly ten years ago, I wrote about stream-of-consciousness nostalgia at only twenty-two years. White Russians were still my go to at bars like Paul's in Orange. Shervin and I don't speak much these days. I stirred in a healthy seasoning of pseudo-enlightenment about poetry as if I, a gay enby with the complexion of mayonnaise, could hold words in my hands as comfortably as my cats before they squirmed for escape. The illusions I thought I wove were merely fraying threads on a sweater (they still are. But at least the fabric is still mostly intact). I do not create illusions. I am fooled by them. My stories are influenced by weird dreams. And I have gained more weight in ten years. And I have seen more heartbreaks in ten years. And I know panic attacks like old friends at bars where I can barely stomach dairy, unlike ten years ago. The decade has been shaky, achy, riddled with holes. Termites and bullets didn't cause my wounds...

Today's Ten Word Tale: Relaxant

Relaxant by Belinda Roddie In this moment, I seek more time and less energy.

Today's Ten Word Tale: Deaf To Howling

Deaf To Howling by Belinda Roddie They said the dogs barked all night. I heard silence.

Saturday's Storyteller: Fin

Fin by Belinda Roddie All things must, eventually, come to an end. Whether by curtain fall, or waterfall. By knifepoint or viewpoint. By tidal wave or brain wave. All things must come to an end.

Today's Ten Word Tale: Not The Bees

Not The Bees by Belinda Roddie Sophie's hands shook. They were stained with blood and honeycomb.