Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Okay. Let's break down a litany of thoughts and brief updates: Sometimes, the best stories you tell are real ones. BLM is still here. It ain't going away. Keep promoting and amplifying black voices. Play readings are my life blood. Cats go zoom while I'm on Zoom. I'm glad to be tapping back into my playwright side. Burritos are delicious. With 2020 on fire, sometimes you need to take a break for dog hug videos. And Jackbox. And good old fashioned conversation. The best kind of validation is the kind you just do naturally, not expecting anyone to thank you for it. Fuck Trump. No, seriously. Fuck Trump. Black Lives Matter. This ain't a vacation for me. I'm not dropping this topic as soon as the protests wrap up. It's on, Capitol Hill turds. Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.