Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Another busy and productive week in the can. Got to get my students to pick out books and discuss what makes a good book or a bad book. Developing my Slaughterhouse Five unit has been quite revealing and educational, thanks to one of my amazing mentor teachers. The students seem to be respecting me more and more and asking me questions with the idea that I know how to answer them. That being said, I'm not getting cocky; I'm still letting them know how much I'm learning, just like they are. My work at my private school job has been enjoyable, as usual, so not much to say about that except that it's always nice to see my students succeed. Wedding planning is a bit touch and go right now; tomorrow, I will be going to a suit fitting at St. Harridan, which is a store that specializes in masculine clothing for women and trans men (or anyone else who's not cis male, so the binary is utterly annihilated!). I'm pretty nervous about it, but I hope I wind up with somethi...