Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
I like to believe that in order to be a writer, you need a job to accommodate it. Not a job that consumes all your time and restricts your ability to pound out or scribble something for at least an hour of the day. Not a job that doesn't allow you to breathe, think, and brainstorm. However, a lot of writers disregard other jobs or careers and claim they're hindrances to being a professional writer. Look, I'd love to be a professional freelance writer. Being able to just write for my career would be fantastic. However, I'm also someone who can't write without a schedule. With a schedule comes obligations, a structure, and a routine. And when you have that routine, you can allow yourself to include writing as part of the pattern, not simply something you do when you're inspired. Retail jobs are good if you're a student writer because of the stories - anecdotes aren't the only things to emerge if you're a cashier or waiter. You meet very interesting...