Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Yes. Yes. Two weeks off, lovelies. I made it! So after having drinks with some of my coworkers following the last day of school before the holiday break, I went home and started figuring out my schedule. Tomorrow, I'll be hosting a small Winter Solstice get-together, and I thought, I should make some chocolate fudge. It had been years since I had made a batch, so I was raring to go. Turns out, I burned the sugar slightly and let the mixture of the sugar and evaporated milk cool too much, so my fudge turned out grainy and lumpy. I almost threw it out. And I cried, of course. I think my emotions came from two places: One, I'm exhausted. Like, seriously, I am worn out. I love my job, but working at a school with a 4x4 block schedule - meaning we're doing 90 minute block classes for one semester - can be straining. I'm grateful that I managed to plan out my grading so I don't have anything to fret about during the holidays. And two, I think I just wanted to make s...