
Showing posts from January 26, 2015

Tonight's Poet Corner: Treasure Hunter

Treasure Hunter by Belinda Roddie My eyes are underwater, scuba diving for a crumbling ship, painting the irises with forgotten galleons carved from soft gold. The salt in the sea stings enough for my body to explode in pins and needles like a compass suspended in an unforgiving brine.

Today's OneWord: Announcement

Grover claimed that he had a very "important" announcement to make, so we all gathered by the lunch table to see what he had to say. Brushing the cookie crumbs off his overalls, he leapt onto the table and nearly knocked over Sally's Lunchables, sticking out his chest. "Boys and ghouls," he declared, "I, Grover Henley, will be running for school president! And you know what that means?" "You can't put chocolate milk in the water fountains, Grover!" exclaimed Arnold. "Everyone knows you can't put chocolate milk in them!"