Saturday's Storyteller: "If cold were a color, it'd match his eyes."
by Belinda Roddie If cold were a color, it'd match his eyes. As it would the harsh black drapery he drew about his face, obscuring it from my view. From the tip of his top hat to the bottom of his shoes, everything he wore was black - except for his eyes. His carriage was drawn by two horses. They were big, ugly things, with brazen nostrils and pointed teeth wheeling spit in all directions like water from spokes. They snorted and screamed and whipped about their matted manes like swamp spilling around their ears. And through it all, the driver kept beckoning me to climb aboard, and sit beside him. I didn't want to. Lord knows I didn't. I had been through enough already. The desert sands. The carnival of monsters. My love dissolving into blue dust as I kissed her for the last time. The Clockworkers had made the day difficult for me, distorting my past into terrible configurations of my fears, furies, and miseries. I was not ready for another horrible moment. But as I...