Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Well. It's Christmas. A very nice Christmas at that. So I wound up getting some of the best presents I had received in quite a while. They were funny, thoughtful, charming, and useful. I myself was very happy with the gifts I gave to my loved ones, who all seemed to appreciate them. For example, my fiancée put on the new blue topaz necklace and matching earrings she unwrapped right before we drove over to my parents' place for breakfast. I was able to see my parents, brother, aunt, uncle, and cousins for Christmas this year. I got to chat on Skype with my beautiful sister and her boyfriend, who were in England for the holiday. We had a wonderful dinner. We went for a walk and saw the lights. We had many intriguing and fun conversations, some of them more heated and intense than others. We devoured many delicious homemade desserts. We played games. We laughed. We joked. We remembered what the holiday really was about. And we all agreed that Trump being president is insanit...