Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
All right, let's look at how the job search has been going so far, shall we? Within a week, I have applied to a multitude of jobs with little to no response, been offered a substitute paraeducator job mistakenly and then had it revoked because communication broke down and they hired someone else before they hired me, been prepping for a walk-in interview at a bookstore, and re-applied for AmeriCorps, even though I'm late in the game because I had no idea they had a job in Marin, and I would have to struggle with a smaller income. The only guarantee I have, right now, is an orientation date on Wednesday for a retail job. Yep. I may just be regressing work-wise to 2008, becoming a cashier. It's like I said last week: I'm not keen on leaving the education field, even if only temporarily. That's why I've been clawing for any kind of education job, even just a part-time after school gig, even if it pays me less money. Being able to both write and teach, while...