
Showing posts from August 13, 2019

Tonight's Poet Corner: Prosopamnesia

Prosopamesia by Belinda Roddie There are days and days and days and days when I remember faces, but not names, and then I remember names, but their faces are scraped away like wet sand from the lonely sole of a shoe. Like the time I remembered, "That's my first love from high school," only not recalling the monosyllabic wonder she uttered while pausing for breath in between my lips: but then Rose comes to mine, and all I see is red. Rich, stereotypical red. All while I gaze upon a scratched mirror and come to believe that I have grown new scars, like cat's whiskers, to help me sense my way to beauty's door. All while I sip on cosmic liqueur because stars are too hot and too distant to gain youth from. They are old, I remind myself, and are ready to die, if not already dead. And blind as I am, to both lovers and loathers alike in my life, I still cannot detect their final smiles.

Today's OneWord: Dense

"I don't know the answer." "Seriously?" She repeated herself. "I don't. Know. The answer." Mr. Juarez was furious. "You gotta be joking me. What, were you not being attention? Are you high? Or are you just dense?" The whole class fell silent at his words, and they hovered awkwardly in the air for a moment before Lindsay spoke again. "I've got a lot on my mind," she calmly explained, "considering I was kicked out of my house yesterday for being a dyke."