Tonight's Poet Corner: Denouement

Denouement by Belinda Roddie You said you loved her for the sapphires in her eyes, for the embers still glowing behind her smile, even when the largest flame of passion had burned away. You said you stayed with her so she, like a flower, could stay nourished and tended to. With each petal that drooped, a new one grew in with a kiss, though it was smaller and more fragile than its already delicate predecessor. You said she left you; you didn't leave her. And when she did leave, she broke the chandelier with a wail, splintered the mirrors with a fingernail, and left cracks in the wooden floor with the small heels of her glass shoes. After all, the sapphires were now dull, and the fire had been restoked, forging her anew into a whole new beast. Meanwhile, your gaze was the color of an onyx, and you sought out someone else to share that union in a field of white roses.