Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
There are a lot of things that people take for granted, especially when it comes to their appendages. Two days ago, I badly sprained the ring finger on my right hand while playing basketball at the school I work at. It was me and another teacher against over a dozen boys ranging from 2nd grade to 5th grade, and they could get vicious. In the end, my hand got smacked by the basketball, and I had to ice the painfully bent finger with a frozen juice box as I taught my second grade literacy class. I first thought that I had just jammed my finger, as I had done before while in sports. What I forgot was that a basketball, unlike a dodgeball and a bouncy ball, has a lot more weight, has a tougher exterior, and can really pack a wallop. I went home in extreme pain, my finger practically immobile at that point, and debated going to the doctor the next day. Fortunately, after splinting my finger using half an emory board and some adhesive tape, the pain has significantly lessened to a dull...