"Caramel Kisses" is an unfinished novel I began to write back in 2009 and stopped working on in 2010. The two main characters - Adriana Maguire Reynard and Emma Burking - would ultimately be revised for my later completed novella, "The Liffey Is Half-Asleep," in 2011. Several elements of "Liffey" can be found in their original forms in "Caramel Kisses," such as the characters' names, the haiku scene, and Adriana's penchant for writing. Because of its influence on my later writing, I figured that this story, though incomplete, was worth sharing. Caramel Kisses: Chapter Fifteen by Belinda Roddie September trudged lazily by, leaving warm imprints on my psyche as I sweated literally and figuratively over my play’s production. Hudd was doing an excellent job; that much was true. He had done wonderfully in terms of casting, with fresh-faced youths straight out of drama programs in San Francisco universities playing the lead roles. He had go...