
Showing posts from October 10, 2017

Tonight's Poet Corner: Let's Not Work Today

Let's Not Work Today by Belinda Roddie There's a nosebleed by the computers, a teacher passed out across the hall. There's an inappropriate game being played by student and mentor alike. The rules have been changed periodically to catch the powers that be off guard. The smoke from the never ending northwestern infernos makes it hard to breathe, and the sweat clings to the bridge of one's nose because the air conditioner has gone to sleep for now, and everything is very, very quiet.

Today's OneWord: Announcement

I have a special announcement, my friends! Starting next week, you are all entitled to spend at least one hour a week with me, basking in the awesome glow of my presence at least for one fraction of your otherwise abysmal day. Just doing my service as a truly miraculous individual whom this community just couldn't manage without! Just don't call or text me - I only enjoy human contact when I plan it, and I just don't like some of you.