
Showing posts from December 31, 2013

Tonight's Poet Corner: I Wanted Cheese Puffs

I Wanted Cheese Puffs by Belinda Roddie I wanted cheese puffs on New Year's Eve, so we got a whole bucket from the grocery store, a baguette tucked under each arm like bayonets for the charge to the check-out lane, bottles in tow to match each flavor. We hopped in Rob's truck, popped in Heather's band's CD, and sang falsetto to the flying soprano as we hurtled across melting freeways with the windshield frosting just enough to signify a thrill of doom. We perched on the bed once we parked to see the moonless night, toasting the next year of non-sequiturs, while I savored each brittle, artificially tangy corn knot on my tongue as my teeth crunched in synchronicity to the sound of the fireworks above.

Today's OneWord: Damage

Well, we certainly caused an awful lot of damage, as the sheriff put oh-so-bluntly. Like he didn't understand what the celebration was all about. I mean, sure, maybe buying twenty-six piñatas was a bit overboard, and the fact that we had filled up two dumpsters with champagne and whiskey bottles made it look like we all belonged to Alcoholics Anonymous. But hey, it was the New Year, and considering how shitty my last year had been, I was ready to sucker-punch the night with a booze-stained fist.