
Showing posts from May 19, 2014

Tonight's Poet Corner: Song Book

Song Book by Belinda Roddie It began with a spider weaving before a wedding, spinning by the broken barn burning without heat or sun. And after that, I was never the same. My hometown was quite the brewing ground for rhythm and melody. It was there, in sharp contrast to cold suburbia, that I confronted my nemesis, that the phoenix rose from the ashes only to find it could not let go of its creator, that I desired to keep warm through a frosted December (that, admittedly, seems to grow warmer by the decade). But in another town, where my fingers flickered across the fretboard after hours of clinging to a pen, I discovered a hearth of harmonious stories when nestled in a circle with my musically inclined friends. I strummed; they picked, plotted, pounded, and pattered keys on a piano, stick to drum, as I made them hang upside down, serenade a miracle child, talk to imaginary heroes and drink from the fountain of youth. They let me see them smile. And they had...

Today's OneWord: Unknown

A journey into the unknown is not a journey at all. A journey, in many respects, alludes to a vivid and identifiable end destination or resolution. The unknown does not offer such luxuries. It provides no lantern for your wandering in the dark. All you can do is put your hands out in front of you to touch any walls or obstacles that may arise in your proceeded path. The unknown is not a journey - it is a scramble.