Tonight's Poet Corner: Song Book
Song Book by Belinda Roddie It began with a spider weaving before a wedding, spinning by the broken barn burning without heat or sun. And after that, I was never the same. My hometown was quite the brewing ground for rhythm and melody. It was there, in sharp contrast to cold suburbia, that I confronted my nemesis, that the phoenix rose from the ashes only to find it could not let go of its creator, that I desired to keep warm through a frosted December (that, admittedly, seems to grow warmer by the decade). But in another town, where my fingers flickered across the fretboard after hours of clinging to a pen, I discovered a hearth of harmonious stories when nestled in a circle with my musically inclined friends. I strummed; they picked, plotted, pounded, and pattered keys on a piano, stick to drum, as I made them hang upside down, serenade a miracle child, talk to imaginary heroes and drink from the fountain of youth. They let me see them smile. And they had...