Saturday's Storyteller: Identification Card

Identification Card by Belinda Roddie Hello, my name is INSIGNIFICANT, and my pronouns are often/ignored. I reject the binary and substitute it with new code. I find solace in trivial defiance. The fact that I do not enjoy most fruit makes me unique. And I will pretend I can handle confrontation when, in actuality, it is an utter living nightmare for me. Here is my identification card. Note that most of my information is scratched out. This is because every attempt I've made to rewrite my narrative has gone haywire. I am a meat vessel pulsing with electricity, and that, to me, is more terrifying than our imminent robot overlords. I am a hopeless romantic, but only when it suits my needs and not others'. So why know my names or my pronouns? I may as well blue screen. Corrupted files, even when recovered, are still corrupted.