Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
I thought I was going to talk about my first official rejection letter (actual paper rejection letter, not "rejection e-mail" - I don't count those) - a kind, personal note from a publisher telling me to keep sending out my manuscript, thinking it was a "good novel" and love story. I was going to type out my thoughts and feelings about it, as well as my promise to save and tack up every single rejection letter I get. And how I will work hard to see my writing exposed to an audience who wants to read it. Instead, something happened today at work that I can't get out of my head. So as much as I could be sappy regarding the rejection letter and perseverance and confidence (and a very kind Eloise Klein Healy from Arktoi Books , who I thank with all my heart for her words and time) despite any setback - I'm going to hit on something else. And that something is: I hate bullying. I've mentioned the terrible power of bullying in a previous Introspecti...