
Showing posts from January 7, 2013

Tonight's Poet Corner: Too Easy

Too Easy by Belinda Roddie Like a quick gulp of excess salmonella on a picnic espresso served hot in the carved out heart of an apricot. Doesn't make a damn difference how you inebriate the optic nerve, just the fact that you experience some sort of deja vu when sucking on a straw leading into your boyfriend's malt horror story, campfire songs laced with ecstasy, dripping down a spinal cord dangling from a clothing line. Makes sense that you spent a dollar on graduate school and fifty cents on a can of soda that you drank in the middle of a seminar where the professor vomited into a trash can and screamed literary Gatsby obscenities, nineteen twenty sentences with silver spectacles all caved in around the meters of semi-formal text, all swirling. Pseudo-importance. Faux glory. Deep aspirin heart attacks over the kitchen stove. Don't make me try to write a glossary, I have no more vocabulary to lick off the linoleum. Where you last set down your b...

Today's OneWord: Must

"Having closed toe shoes is a must for this journey," said my mentor. "I don't want to catch you wearing those god awful leather sandals. You hear me?" So much for wiggle room for my toes while traveling. But I sigh and nodded. "Loud and clear, ma'am," I said. "Good." She handed me my stave and my flat hat. I drew my coat about me and set about finding some boots or clogs. The pair of closed toe shoes I had bore several holes.