Tonight's Poet Corner: Too Easy
Too Easy by Belinda Roddie Like a quick gulp of excess salmonella on a picnic espresso served hot in the carved out heart of an apricot. Doesn't make a damn difference how you inebriate the optic nerve, just the fact that you experience some sort of deja vu when sucking on a straw leading into your boyfriend's malt horror story, campfire songs laced with ecstasy, dripping down a spinal cord dangling from a clothing line. Makes sense that you spent a dollar on graduate school and fifty cents on a can of soda that you drank in the middle of a seminar where the professor vomited into a trash can and screamed literary Gatsby obscenities, nineteen twenty sentences with silver spectacles all caved in around the meters of semi-formal text, all swirling. Pseudo-importance. Faux glory. Deep aspirin heart attacks over the kitchen stove. Don't make me try to write a glossary, I have no more vocabulary to lick off the linoleum. Where you last set down your b...