Saturday's Storyteller: Vacation House

Vacation House by Belinda Roddie You don't know about me, but you think it's high time we went on another adventure. Therefore, you propose the following amenities for whichever vacation house we rent: 1. Gargoyles. 2. A Hobbit hole exterior. 3. Trap doors. 4. A sparkling wine bar that is reachable from a jacuzzi. 5. Secret bookcases. 6. Secret rooms that lead to those secret bookcases. 7. Secret messages and codes written in those secret books that lead to more secret bookcases. 8. Ten ghosts. 9. A chandelier in every room. 10. Animatronic suits of armor that actually fence each other. 11. A wise old man who asks you to answer a riddle every time you want to open the refrigerator. 12. Eleven ghosts is fine, too, but twelve is too many. 13. Dragons. 14. Just dragons. 15. Dragon fountains are fine, too. Somehow, you're still surprised that we haven't traveled for over five years. Perhaps, you muse aloud, you should slightly lower your expectations. But only slightly. Can...