Saturday's Storyteller: "The child's name would be Spamlet."
by Belinda Roddie The child's name would be Spamlet. It was decreed by Pork McNugget of Second Street Hill (his real name being Parker McPhee), with his wife Agnes McPhee (who didn't desire to take on a protein-related name). Spamlet's full name was Spamlet Pork McNugget McPhee. Agnes wanted his middle name to be Richard, after her late father, but Pork was entirely against it. Come to think of it, when the bags from Burger King started accumulating, Pork was looking a little porky after all. Spamlet first adored his name, but when it got to high school, he was ridiculed constantly for the poor choice in meat product. So he first changed his name to Ham, Hammy as a nickname. The result was the school bullies stuffing processed lunch meat down his trousers. So he went by Spencer instead. Spencer grew up to be a finance director at a law firm in Kentucky. Incidentally, his workplace was situated right next to a strip mall that included a dollar store and a Kentuc...