Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Six days from now, I will be turning twenty-three. Twenty-three is what I like to consider a "comfortable" age. There are no significant turning points - no rites of passage, no lifting of past taboos, no celebration that you can drive, vote, or drink (the third of which people seem to be most passionate about, which I've never gotten). It's still a young age, not something to complain about. Twenty-three is also the age in which I have been out of school for a year, have worked official jobs the entire year, have had an amazing girlfriend for over a year, and now have a future to work toward. Since the start of 2012, I have received three rejection letters, and all of them have been tacked onto my wall (my little Hall of Fame, if you will). I have written over five hundred different pieces of work on this blog, and while none of them will ever be "officially" published, I don't mind. This blog is serving the exact purpose I wanted it to - as a way to ...