Saturday's Storyteller: " 'The Prestige has a really creepy human fax machine.' 'Oh, kind of like Bartleby the Scrivener?' "
by Belinda Roddie " The Prestige has a really creepy human fax machine." "Oh, kind of like Bartleby the Scrivener? " Natalie shrugged. "I always considered him to be more of a zombie." "No, no, no," retorted Norman. "We are not making Bartleby into a remnant of 'The Walking Dead.' Not ever. Stick to the legitimate interpretations of the books, will you?" We were having what Norman had christened a "Bowtie Party," where all of us wore the damned things as the host himself also donned a top hat and what was meant to be a full-blown mustache but was really just a sad collection of stubble on his upper lip. He had collected six bowties from his father and his uncle and had all of us wear one, whether it was black or blue or even green. I settled for the strict tuxedo one, sipping the dry wine that I had brought and no one else was consuming. They were too focused on their own bottles. "I don't know wh...