
Showing posts from April 4, 2012

Tonight's Poet Corner: Caliente

Caliente by Belinda Roddie this hot of a subject comes steaming on a paper platter, crisp and greedy, infeasible galleries of thoughts and well-doing wishes while the critics are told they don't have the right vision of a Brand New World (vs. a Brave New World) this hot topic branded topic option follows the fads of disclosed discussion and anyone with an opinion too strict or too fabulous can eat cold soup in the corner.

Today's OneWord: Hood

"Was he wearing a hood?" "What?" "Was he wearing a hood?" "Yeah." "He was wearing a hood." "So." "So he looked suspicious." "No, he was just wearing a hood." "But hoods are suspicious looking." "It was raining." "So?" "Everyone wears hoods when it's raining." "Yeah, and they all look like suspicious little ninjas." "Ted, if you continue to try to justify this boy's death because of one article of clothing, I will justify your death because you pissed me off with your stupidity."