Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Busy week. Been doing my transcription job, teaching, visiting the county fair, picking out a new bike to ride around town with, and watching Inside Out (which is fantastic and you should see it ASAP). And tomorrow, it's Wear My New 'Merica Tank Top And Eat Barbecued Stuff Day. So the United States is officially two hundred thirty-nine years old tomorrow, which is fairly young compared to a lot of countries. And while it's always attempted to be cutting-edge compared to said countries, there's a lot that's changed and a lot that still needs to change. Obviously, we had the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage, but first of all, the fight is not over, and second of all, we were, what, the fifteenth or so first world country to actually legalize it? I mean, Mexico beat us to the punch, and that's a predominantly Catholic nation. And of course, there are all the issues of a dysfunctional Congress, extremist politicians, climate change de...