Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Whew! Holy shit. I made it through my first week back teaching on an actual high school campus. My students are absolutely lovely. They're adapting quickly to this "new normal," and I'm grateful for it. I'm also happy with my new room, despite the previous occupant being an absolute garbage human being for a number of reasons (not something for me to talk about here, but happy to share in person over a cup of tea). I'm definitely still acclimating myself. Having a new cat so quickly after Spike's passing adds to the chaos quite a bit. Getting enough sleep is a trial all by itself, so I'm doing what I can to balance my work life and my recreational activities. One step at a time, I suppose. In other news, I'll be able to see a good friend in person tomorrow, and I'll be doing some good old-fashioned Dungeons & Dragons. May as well enjoy myself before the school year gets too crazy. Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.