Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
One thing I've realized around, I don't know, two seconds ago while sitting at my parents' desktop while I take care of their old dog: The best way to keep your creativity going is to maintain some sort of enthusiasm for something, even if some naysayer may call the thing you're enthusiastic about "frivolous." I mean it. It doesn't even have to be enthusiasm for something deep or abstract or philosophical. It can be anything. It can be enthusiasm for a particular song you heard on the radio, or a drink you mixed for a friend, or a certain video game or book or movie or even a specific type of cheese. It can be enthusiasm for what some people might call a typical hobby, like playing board games or getting really good with crosswords or baking a batch of cupcakes. Enthusiasm is so goddamn important to have in order to be a working artist, because the moment you become apathetic or disinterested in your day-to-day routine is the day you run into some pretty...