Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
It has been a fairly relaxing spring break. I've been housesitting for a friend's dog, spending time with my sister and friends, restarting my TV project, and getting some exercise. Nothing like twenty minutes a day on the elliptical machine that the house has, as well as walks with the pooch. Of course, my brain's telling me now how fast the week has gone, even though to me, it's moved as normally as any week, really. But that's what happens, time being a strange thing and all. Now it's just time for me to rest and enjoy the weekend, especially now that my mom's back from her trip to Austin. Honestly, spring break has allowed me to relax and take a few mental breaks to be creative, free, and calm. So not too much deep introspection from me this week. Which, in truth, can be more of a relief than anything else. Writer's Quotation of the Night: The answer to all writing, to any career for that matter, is love. - Ray Bradbury Have a great night ...