Tonight's Poet Corner: Screw You, Stimuli
Screw You, Stimuli by Belinda Roddie When I was juvenile and heard a song that gave me goosebumps for the first time, I wasn't aware of how my soul reacted at first. The music connected itself to my shoulders like a raw harness, then shot my arms up into the air like whipping streamers, and it was only when my sister asked, "Why are you doing 'spirit fingers' right now?" that I realized that I had a current in me that wasn't willing to be switched off, or unplugged, or powered down. Stimming doesn't just belong to one group of people: It's for those on the spectrum, but also for those with anxiety disorders: Tourette's kneejerk response, OCD's clamoring symphony, ADHD's hit radio show where all the sound effects are on point. For me, it's losing control of my hands - when I'm excited, when I'm scared, when a tune is just super stimulating to my poor skull. The biceps tense, sorry digits creeping to...