Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Okay. Let me give you the rundown: I am six chapters into my newest novel/novella/whatever length it turns out to be, and it's been quite a process thus far. Now, you may think writing six chapters in a matter of a week is impressive, but please remember that I cranked out The Sequined Door in eight days, and the chapters in that story averaged about ten to twenty pages each. So far, this new book's chapters are very short (five to six pages maximum currently), so really, I've only written about seven thousand words so far, so about 1,160 words per chapter. Which is a small amount of work from me since, let's face it, I'm a very prolific writer. Remember-that-prolific-does-not-equal-high-quality! Ahem. Moving on. Why is this new project perhaps harder to take on than The Sequined Door, which record I don't think I'll ever be able to replicate; and [Insert Self-Discovery Here], which took exactly a month to write and was significantly shorter than The ...