Tonight's Poet Corner: Over 50,000
Over 50,000 by Belinda Roddie Over 50,000 words I've carved you into a wooden salad bowl. See how tiny every consonant is, while every vowel stretches its maw, jaw so pronounced and mouth so wide that you could stick a whole new different story inside. 50,000 pins stuck into a cushion, red as life itself, that now sits on your extra desk, where you pretend to sew yourself anew. I hope you find the syllables appealing, each rhythm concealing something demonstrably revealing about your sad and sloppy S.O. And now you've read the sentences, and dear, how pale you've grown! I promise it's all fiction, truly, and our real life is more than ideal. Let me kiss you twice to calm your fears, then three more times to sate you. I look forward to the next saga where shadows of my past pretend to date you.