Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

All right, so what do we have on the docket tonight? Well, first of all, and I didn't mention this last week, I started tutoring a fourth grade student who I got to know last year at my AmeriCorps job. Every Tuesday, we meet at the library to read together and practice certain phonemic/phonetic techniques and practice things such as sight words and word endings and all that fun stuff. The student in particular is a lovely young girl who has been through a lot, and I believe that with some extra support, her reading capability can exceed expectations. Currently, we are reading the book The Search For Delicious, which I didn't even know existed until a few days ago and so far am absolutely enjoying. Second, I started a brand new writing project. While I predictably won't go into much detail about it for the sake of keeping a level head in terms of my work, it's a sci-fi trilogy, which I've never tried tackling before. No, it is not the fantasy idea I've had ro...