Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Two days ago, I finished my second mini-series, "Full of Grace." This means I now have a completed seventeen-episode series ("Happy Distribution") and a seven-episode series, both reflecting on a certain part of my life and my mentality. Again, I have always had a penchant for writing "what if" scenarios, which, in my opinion, make up most of the scope of fiction's purpose. This leaves me with a slightly cleaner slate. I say only slightly because I have several unfinished projects that I'm not sure I'll get back to any time soon. The Authoritarian Auction remains unfinished, as do my sci-fi fiction and my NaNoWriMo submission. One novel I tried to write, called Home Is That Way, was dead in the water before I even finished the second chapter. That's par for the course, I'm sure, but for now, with one major project finished, my mind is elsewhere. Mainly, I'm thinking about production aspects. It's obvious that I don't jus...