Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Best way to put down introspection this week is through ups and downs. Ready go! Ups: I'll be seeing my girlfriend the weekend after Thanksgiving; she also landed a role in a show at her university. My sister is busy rehearsing for a musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol, and I've begun work on a TV pilot. I'm planning to restart my graphic novel script in the next few days, I've composed a pretty little song I'm quite proud of, and I'm all around satisfied. Yay! Downs: I'm fighting a cold. Girlfriend isn't going to be here for a while still. Worst part? ReARTED Zine is shutting down. Meaning my novella isn't getting published after all. I'm definitely disappointed. I thought this could really be an opportunity to get a piece of work sent out to a magazine that was actually willing to publish it. And now, considering the hostility publishers show toward work is back on the shelf for now. It really is a major ...