Saturday's Storyteller: All I Have Are Words Now

All I Have Are Words Now by Belinda Roddie For God's sake, people, look: Here's me. I'm non-binary and use they/them pronouns. I'm gay and married and monogamous. And I'm happy as fuck, no matter who tries to stop me. And look: There's her. She's fucking fab. She's bisexual and polyamorous. She has so much love that she gives it to multiple people - a spouse, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, what have you. And she's happy as fuck, no matter who tries to stop her. We are not hurting anyone with our colors. We will build families who know unconditional love. We will raise children who are unafraid to be themselves. Because we are only a problem if you decide we are a problem. We are only dangerous if you haphazardly slap a HAZARD sticker on our foreheads (which we'll fucking rip off our skin, by the way). We are not hurting the youth - you are by stigmatizing us. And more queer teenagers die. And more queer teenagers think about it. I have seen both side...