Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Welp. It's about fifteen minutes to midnight. I'm tired. I have a headache. I've been talking a lot with my wife about what we want to do with our lives. And I'm anxious. There's a presidential election happening in my country on Tuesday, November 8th, that could change everything. For one nominee, it's maintaining the slow but steady progress we've been making since 2008. For another, it's total incompetent chaos. Yes, I'm scared. No, I'm not ashamed to admit that. It's affected my work, my social life, my attention span, everything. And the campaign's almost over, but my God, what a toll it's taken on the nation I live, and you bet it could get only worse if the results don't go the way they should. I really, really wanted to take a lot more time tonight to argue why you should vote a certain way. Why getting involved in politics matters and why, as a teacher, I can easily encourage you to take a stand for the greater good o...