This is an untitled, unfinished novel that was technically left alone in late 2008. However, the last time it was modified and checked for errors was 2011, where upon I decided that the absurdity of the plot combined with the sloppy British research was too much for the story to continue. However, seeing as this is Whims of the Time Traveler, it's a perfect example of my first attempt at long fiction, so I've decided to unabashedly display it. Have fun. Untitled: Chapter Eight by Belinda Roddie The studio I was able to get was not a bad one. Due to the summer coming to a close, several cheaper places to stay were opening up, and despite the man in the starched shirt and vest closely observing me after looking at my identification card I was able to settle into the place rather quickly. It was a small place, one room with an adjacent shower, but it was good enough for me, at least for a week or so. Besides, the rate that the manager had kindly offered me was fifty pounds a...