
Showing posts from November 22, 2017

Tonight's Poet Corner: The Descendants

The Descendants by Belinda Roddie You cradle an entire generation in your arms when you hold a baby. When she sleeps, you hope she dreams of a better future that she can contribute to. When he cries, it sounds like a song, even though he may just be hungry or need a diaper change. And as they get bigger, you wait for the inevitable, but the outcome surprises you every time.

Today's OneWord: General

The soldier fell in love with the general, and the general fell in love with her. They both knew it would be forbidden, so they met in secret on Vane Hill, just as the sun crested over the top before making its descent. They held hands and kissed under the same elm tree, and every day, the general would promise to end the war as quickly as she could, so they could both go back home, build a cabin together, and live happily ever after.