Saturday's Storyteller: Pizza
by Belinda Roddie Oh, look at the time! I gotta get some pizza! Now, what should I get on it? Pepperoni, of course. Gotta get me some sweet pepperoni. And mushrooms. So I order it. And I eat it. And I guess the mushrooms got mixed up. This is some pubescent pizza boy's stash, yo. Because I trip, peoples. I trip balls. I feel the room closing in and time seeming to go backwards. It's like I'm sucked into a void that holds me in a place, pulling a glob of pizza out of my mouth half-chew. Disney World's Space Mountain's got nothing on this, bro. The tunnel is deeper than this. Waaaaaaaay deeper. I am an accidental stoner in a fucking crazy world nightmare. And that's when I see what could have been. The flames. There are so many flames. I'm sitting on my couch, thinking about what I want to eat. I choose Thai food. I choose this. I weighed this heavily, apparently. I was thinking Thai was the answer. And then I see the flames. Everything is on fire. Who knew t...