Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
So many weeks never end the way they start. You begin with a meteorologist's migraine of sorts - high winds and heavy fog, cold and dreary versus sudden impending sun and heat and strain. That sort of weather message works metaphorically, too. It's been a rough week for me, not just work-wise, but creatively, too. Work itself is fairly mild compared to the mental fluctuations I've had. Being caught on the grotesque cusp of restlessness versus a calm desire to do nothing is a pretty ugly situation. Some days I just want to be a homebody, and other days I just want to abandon my house, swipe up my girlfriend, and go on some sort of random adventure. On the bright side, today was good. You find people who like you, no matter how hard it is for you to believe or remember sometimes. You have drink and good company, and in the end, it settles you. It lets your mind breathe. And now I'm going to let my mind breathe some more by having a glass of White Zinfandel and going...