Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
I'm not gonna lie - when you think about it, this entire week is pretty much my introspection on my little slice of the world right now. Well, at least two of the poems are. Sonnet from last week also touched on some school stuff, and my whole perspective on students and self-confidence and education versus teachers and school and dependence. Then this week's sonnet was definitely a more optimistic approach to the potential of some of my students' imaginations. "U.S.ED," definitely, was an enormous undertaking (approximately eight pages handwritten), and it was mostly inspired by another spoken word artist who you really do need to check out. His name is Suli Breaks, and the spoken word piece, "I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate," can be found right here . This was the piece that, in several ways even if not all, really synced with my perspective on the school system versus actual education, and really, you can go through so many poems and st...