Saturday's Storyteller: "Honestly, I'm just doing the best I can to get by."
by Belinda Roddie Honestly, I'm just doing the best I can to get by. Selling board games. Making cigar box guitars. Baking pies big enough to hide hacksaws in them in case my good old man in Quentin needs to bust out to buy a pack of smokes and then waltz right back in like nothing happened. Hell, I've taken up so many hobbies to make extra money that I don't even know what my real hobbies are anymore. Passion. That's a word for another day. They call me the Chess Count here by the bay. It's an innocuous enough name, given the weekends I spend trading away cheap knock-off card and strategy games for cold cash. To the left of me, there's usually a guy spray-painting pictures of the hottest baseball team or celebrity. To the right, another dude pretending to be a gold-coated, sequined statue. He's pretty damn good at it. Scared a few kids one time by only slightly twitching his right ear. If I could do that, I could probably rake in an extra two hundred ...