Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Well. Here we are. My last introspection of 2018. Christmas was nice this year. To be fair, it's normally nice for me, save for the times in which I've been ill. But I especially liked how my in-laws came up for the holiday, so that they got to celebrate it with me, my wife, and my family. I loved the presents I received, the traditions we kept, and the company. The quieter moments were honestly my favorite. Having the relatives over was lovely, and the food was fantastic. But it was the walk we took around my hometown, the Scrabble game with my mother-in-law, the chat with my wife and my mom after everyone had gone back home or to their hotels or just off to bed - those small, intimate moments meant the world to me. It made me feel settled, at ease, for the first time in a long time. Of course, now I'm nearly done with my first out of two weeks of break, and I've honestly haven't done much. That's not a bad thing, obviously, though I do poke fun at myself...