Saturday's Storyteller: "Waffle House used to be Jeremiah's favorite restaurant, until Sheila had to burn it down in 1987."
by Belinda Roddie Waffle House used to be Jeremiah's favorite restaurant, until Sheila had to burn it down in 1987. By then, it wasn't serving waffles - at least, not the waffles that one would douse in boysenberry syrup and top with butter squeezed out of a tube. In the small town of Knovacoke, Waffle House became rather notorious for its characters. Namely, behind the dilapidated kitchens and seating booths with puncture holes in the shiny green cushions, there was a teeming cesspool of dirtier activity. Everyone and his grandmother knew that the place secretly became a giant brothel in 1984, even Jeremiah, who was sixteen and had grown out of his love for the Belgian dough delight and gotten into underage drinking, smoking, and motorcycle riding. Still, the restaurant held a sense of nostalgia for him as he ripped by, his heavy bike practically making ripples in the asphalt as he cast a glance at the neon "Waf-le Ho s" sign and the whitened windows. It was a ...