Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Oh, my God. Guys. Guys. Guys. Someone get me out of my town for a bit. Someone take me to the beach or to a national park so we can hike or just to a café in the middle of nowhere for a chai tea or a hot cocoa. Someone grab a guitar while I play mandolin so we can just improvise and sing adlibbed lyrics that may or may not be nonsensical. Someone cook a meal with me. Someone go on a day-long road trip with me to the coast. Someone get me to try a food or beverage I've never tried or I swear I hate but maybe need to try again. Someone get me to explore. Someone encourage me to do a reading of my work. Someone dare me to go to a thrift shop and blindly pick an outfit to wear because why not it's adventurous isn't it?! Someone just please, please force me out of this bubble of stress and craziness and ridiculously high expectations and drama and frustration because look. I like my job. I like teaching. I like working on projects. I like writing. But I feel like I...