
Showing posts from October 31, 2011

Tonight's Poet Corner: Pensive on Halloween

Pensive on Halloween by Belinda Roddie   It's funny to be thinking about this on Halloween night, but I was driving from work and lurched behind a van that had a simple window sticker that read: "You are beautiful." And I wish it were that easy to remember how beautiful one is without a mirror without a mask without a curtain to hide behind. Some day, I hope. Right after I get back home and fill my belly with leftover trick-or-treating candy.

Today's OneWord: Passionate

Behind a Captain America mask, the passionate Peter Smith felt invincible. Especially when the bottle on the carpet spun in his favor. Tossing back the warm beer from the red cup into his throat, he grinned a lopsided grin as he led the cheerleader Susan, dressed as a vampiress, into the closet. Some people celebrated Halloween for its candy and spookiness. For Peter, courage was found in more than just scoffing at ghosts.