
Showing posts from November 29, 2019

Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Gah. I'm sad Thanksgiving break is almost over. I've been writing, playing Heroes of the Storm, procrastinating on grading, eating too much food. I'm definitely thankful for my family, friends, and loved ones (and my kitty cat!), as well as for how much I've been able to accomplish in just a few months. I honestly could have sworn I had something else I wanted to address in this introspection, but...quite frankly, I forgot! So if I remember, well...I guess I'll let y'all know? ...Oh! Oh, right! The blog looks different now! Yep! Almost a decade later, and I finally updated the template so it doesn't look like outdated crap! Nice and clean now. Things are just trucking along, huh? Anyway. Gonna milk the last 48 or so hours of my break for all they're worth. Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone!

Friday's Ten Word Tales: One Hell Of An Inferno

One Hell Of An Inferno The fire we lit burned for another two thousand years.

Today's OneWord: N/A