Saturday's Storyteller: "If I stare at my hands for too long, they look like cartoon hands."
by Belinda Roddie "If I stare at my hands for too long, they look like cartoon hands." "...What?" "For real, dude. Like, they get all big and puffy, and if I squint real hard, my pinky melds with my ring finger." "..." "So like I have four fingers, man. Like Mickey Mouse or the Simpsons." "...Okay. I know you've had a couple of shots, John. But did you sneak in some LSD when I wasn't looking?" "Dude, how would I have snuck that past you?" "I dunno. You could've put it in your drinks. Used a blotter paper. Got it in gelatin or something." "Aaron." "What?" "For someone accusing me of taking acid, you sure sound like a expert at doing it yourself." "What? No. No, no, no. Don't you turn this around on me!" "Now, honey, the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one." "Okay, one, don't call me ho...