Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Tonight, it's time for me as a writer to (what else?) be a bit reflective and just a little bit mopey. Don't worry, this is just a little thing I'll do now and again to give you updates on my life as well as my current thoughts on writing and the literary/artistic world. And I'll also be recommending things for tonight such as a book, a poet, a type of music, etc. It'll be fun! So being a recent college graduate, I've been struggling to find work in California. Big shocker, I know, but I've been job hunting for nearly three months now, and I've been searching for everything from classified education jobs to retail to office support to even an amusement train driver job at the mall. read that right...I said an amusement train driver. Thank you, Craigslist. To tell you the truth, in August, I had high hopes. I was able to snag six interviews in a week and a half. That was pretty intense. And most of the interviews seemed to go really well. T...