Saturday's Storyteller: If I Had A Son

If I Had A Son by Belinda Roddie If I had a son, I would love him unconditionally - be he cis or trans, be he straight or gay, be he bi or pan, be he so far along the spectrum that he glinted rainbow while standing in sunlight - I'd love him, and that is that. If I had a son, and if he liked sports and video games and bro stuff jacked on steroids, then I'd play catch with him in the park, watch monster truck shows with him, and play the latest Call of Duty until my thumbs were sore - because I'd love him, and that is that. If I had a son, and if he wanted to dress up as princesses every Halloween, and if he wanted his room painted pink and his fingernails red and his mascara on point, then I'd bow before his majesty, help him with polish, and have his mother teach him how to properly use eye shadow so he'd look like true royalty - because I'd love him, and that is that. Because love of child stems from more than gender, and love of child stems more from society....